November 7th Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 3:33 PM |

A Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little brother, (which if you knew him, would make you laugh - he's a lot taller than I!). Now if you asked my mom, she'll tell you that having little brothers - didn't exactly thrill me when I was growing up. We had our fair share of fights and mean spirited antics to say the least. But I must say that if a girl has to have only brothers for siblings I got three of the best! They are smart, caring, generous and decent young men. They aren't afraid to hold the door for a woman, help a neighbor in need, or give a stranger a hand up. They are great role-models for my kids and for that I am truly grateful.

November 6th Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 3:19 PM | ,

Today was a FUN day for me! I challenged myself to spend my morning doing my chores and then I could spend the afternoon making thank you cards. I've been wanting to try this technique for a really long time, and I LOVED the results! Unfortunately, my husband wrote a personal note in them to mail to our friends who let us borrow things for our party and I never got a chance to photograph them. I did have one extra, that I converted to a birthday card for my brother. I hope you like it.

November 5th Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 3:05 PM |

Shopping and running errands is pure bliss when there are NO KIDS involved! I can get through the grocery store in record time and without all the sugary treats if I don't bring them. My preschooler even got to enjoy a party at the local Dairy Queen for her class today!

November 4th Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 2:52 PM |

I am thankful to live in America - home of the free because of the brave (one of my all time favorite phrases.) I took the time to go and vote, something I couldn't do if I lived in some other country. I also took my youngest with me; who misunderstood the words let's go vote, to mean let's go boat! Which delighted the polling center attendant, because as we left she said NO, mom, we can't go home we have to go boat! Out of the mouths of babes.

November 3rd Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 10:48 AM |

Another unseasonably warm day, a little windy but a great day for the kids to have off of school! It was great for them to have a little down time after the excitement and shall I say sugar rush from Trick-or-Treating and our little shindig. While our house was still fairly clean, I took advantage of the gorgeous day with the kids. The girls got a mani/pedi from me. Oh how they loved that. Sorry boys, I know that's not your thing, but we did go for our usual walk to the park while the girls were in dance; so you got to do something fun too.

November 2nd Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 10:18 AM |

The day following the get-together, my husbands co-workers made the trek back out to our house to help us clean up and return borrowed items! Talk about wonderful friends. The weather was again gorgeous another high in the 70's day, with a bit more breeze - very uncommon for our area in November.

November 1st Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 9:46 AM |

Saturday Nov. 1st our family hosted an Autumn Family Fun Night for my husbands' work. The weather was BEAUTIFUL. A calm warm afternoon, showing all of Autumn's glory, cooling off just enough for our guests to thoroughly enjoy the campfire. I must say it was one of my favorite company get-togethers. Here are some of my favorite pictures (sorry I didn't get to take too many - I was a little busy making certain we had everything to make the night a success).

My husband and his grill master helpers.

Cute little conversation pieces (now I am showing my inner Martha), I actually did this so MY KIDS wouldn't eat all of the chocolate! It was nice to have everything prepackaged for our guests too (You can assemble your S'more while the marshmallow's still hot).

We even had an old fashioned hay ride - complete with a trip through the nearby cemetary! The adults got to go on a longer ride through a more wooded area near our property as well.

I LOVE this photo, it glows of the yellows and oranges that were so gorgeous that day. In real life the tree was lit with twinkle lights (my absolute favorite type of light.)

Attitude of Gratitude 0

Jennifer McGee | 9:32 AM |

One of the blogs I read, posted a challenge and I think it is appropriate for the month of November. The challenge is called 30 days of Gratitude and since I just read the post, yesterday, I will be posting quite a bit to let you all know what I am thankful for and to get me caught up on the challenge. If you would like to take the challenge too, hop on over to Erin's blog and drop her line.